
Hello, I am Sakib. My full name on the certificates is MD. SAKIB AL BASED. Now, I am studying for an LL.B Honors at the Green University of Bangladesh. Besides, I am working as a Freelance Professional Content Writer & SEO Expert both nationally & internationally. I have a lot of Clients who have a business and need a writer & SEO expert. I am so much happy to work as a freelancer. Let’s know more about the biography of Sakib AL Based.

Sakib AL Based-Content Writer & SEO Expert
At National Freelancer’s Conference- 2023 which was Asia’s largest Freelancing Conference.

However, I was born in Monpura, Kachua, Chandpur, Bangladesh 2002. My father is a Teacher & my mother is a housewife. I have 03 sisters and I am the only son of my parents. My family members love me much, that I could not express it in words.

Sakib AL Based- Childhood Image
Sakib AL Based- Childhood Image

Studies History of Sakib AL Based-

I started my studies in Madrasha when I was only 05 years old. My father was a teacher on that Madrasha & he admitted me on that. After Completing one year there I learned how to read the Quran, the most important Holy book of Islam.


Then I was admitted to 52 No. MOnpura Govt. Primary School in Class 01. In class 02, I was admitted to Monpura Islamia Senior Fajil (Degree) Madrasha. I read for 06 months in this institution. These 02 institutions are located in front of my home. 


In 2010, I was admitted to Shriti Sishu Sikkha Kanon, a kindergarten School located at Pathan Bazar in Matlab North, Chandpur, Bangladesh. I was admitted there in Class 02, in the middle of the academic year. I read there for around 01 years, then I was admitted to a Local Primary School before the final Examination of Class 03.


In the final Examination of Class three, I got the highest Score and My roll upgraded to 1st position in the Class from the last maybe 38. 


However, for some reason, my father transferred me to another local primary school named “14 NO. Imampur Goverment Primary School. In this school, I was admitted and my roll was 46 at the last. I worked hard and studied properly to get the first position. After 12 months of hard studies, I achieved the 1st position in the final examination & my role was enlisted 01. 


In January 2012, I was promoted to class 05. At that time, was a Thrilled Situation to get Government Scholarship in Primary School Certificate examination (PSC). If anyone got the Scholarship, not only the School but also the villagers were much excited & Celebrate the achievements. For this, my guardians, teachers, classmates, villagers, and relatives inspired me to get the Scholarship. 


I am Sakib AL Based, was much tensed about getting the Scholarship & making the dream of all, come true, I worked hard and studied a lot. At that time, I woke up every morning and started my Practice of Recreation of the Holy Quran at a Madrasha from my home to 02 Kilometres far. Then, I started my 1st private from 8.00 am to 9.30 am at Sree Nibash Chandra Roy Sir. Then I Came back to my home and prepared myself for the School. Our Coaching started at 10.30 am to 12.00 pm and then we join our regular Class. Our Class finished at 4.00 pm. Then I have to join a private batch of Shohagh Sir.


After finishing this class, I returned home, took my snacks, and Prayer then, I had to go to Masum Bhai for my 3rd private, around 6.30 pm to 8.00 pm. After completing that, I was gone to the Sree Nibash Sir’s home for my last private Class from around 8.30 pm to 10.00 pm. Then, I came back and took my dinner and then usually complete my homework (If any). Then, I usually go to bed.

Sakib AL Based- PSC Admit Card Photo
This photo is collected from PSC Admit Card- 2012

This hard work gave me the best compliments in my life. I got Golden A+ and Scholarship in PSC Exam, Alhamdulillah.

In, 2013 I was admitted to the Kachua Cambrian School which is the renowned & first Digital education institute in Chandpur. It was a dream for all to admit there for its Curriculum, teaching method & high tuition fees. I completed my Junior School Certificate (JSC) Exam in 2015 with Golden A+ in Government Scholarship & Secondary School Certificate exam (SSC) from this institution. I am much satisfied to Complete my 05 years High School Journey at my beloved Kachua Cambrian School.


For my Higher Secondary, I wanted to admit to Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. But for unhealthy surroundings & other reasons, I backed to home and decided to admit to Asek Ali Khan School & College in September 2018. I took Science Group for my Higher Secendary & Completed my Higher Secendary School Certificate (HSC) in 2021 with the Highest mark of GPA 5.00 out of GPA 5.00. 


We know that the whole world was suffered from a dangerous Virus named Covid- 19. At that time around 02 years, all the educational institution was closed. Some online class was continued but that was not effected. At that time, I had got a great chance to work as an Apprentice Deed Writer at Kachua Sub-Register Office for 02 years. 


This opportunity helped me a lot especially knowing more about Deed & Legal Drafting. From this period of work, I learned the practices of Deed & Leagal Compose practically. I was inspired from there to take my Higher Studies on Law. Besides, Law was my dream subject.


From September 2021, I am studying at the Department of Law, Green University of Bangladesh. Which is renowned & one of the best universities for LL.B (Honors). Now, I am studying at 3rd Year of my 04 years academic program. 


In 2020, besides my studies & daily work, I tried to know something new about Digital Marketing, especially Content Writing, SEO, & Social Media Marketing. I learned a lot. Completed more than 10+ Courses I have completed on those. 


Now I am working as a Freelance Content Writer & SEO Expert both nationally & internationally. I have more than 135+ Clients who are satisfied with my work. To know more about me, visit my website & social media. 


Will be Continued…………………….